Thursday, July 28, 2011


It's happening now, the plane is starting, we are rolling on the runway... It's a takeoff - Now it's finally true, I'm heading to Singapore!

Actually my journey started a way back, the decision to go study abroad was imprinted to my mind when my oldest brother went to study as an exchange student to Groningen, Netherlands. On that same particular year I was going through the military service in finland and it prevented me from visiting him even though the trip was burning on my mind. After my brothers exchange period I was always said to be the another (and the only) one from our family to go study abroad. O boy I was stunned when my younger sister and another brother announced that they are both leaving for an exchange period. At that moment I decided to visit them both and also started to make my own plans clearer.

Why Singapore? Actually I was almost obsessed with Argentina, I were studying spanish to provide me basics to cope with everyday life and studying. I think that the main reason behind Argentina was that our university had an arrangement with universities there, so that one could study in eighteen different universities on one exchange period - of course thats not really possible, but maybe one uni could be chosen for every period. First period in the north and second in the south, they both provide so different and exciting places to travel.

What changed my mind? This one's easy, it was the visit I made with my dad to meet my brother in Singapore. Even though the trip lasted only nine days I still got a climbs of Singapore exchange life as well as the nightlife at the bridge of Clarke Quay where my brother took me out on wednesday night, one word - astonishing! At that same night I made one very lovely friend who I am very grateful with all my heart for all the help and all that's happened. (Best of luck to Stockholm!) For the skeptics, I promise that I'm not going to follow on my brothers footsteps, I know that this will be my own journey with all it's ups and downs, pros and cons. I'm excited to overcome and enjoy from all of them!

Ready, set, backpack!

I backed my backpack on thursday 21st of July, i decided to take only 8kg cabin baggage (my new 40 liter Häglöfs bought day before) and pc (new MacBook Air which i bought on monday, a day before takeoff). I started my journey on friday by heading back home to meet my family (someone give a hug for my little sister!), grandparents and close friends. On monday i continued to get my laptop from Tampere and finish all the necessary stuff like taking color photos for student pass (visa), money exchange etc. From Tampere i continued to Järvenpää to meet a friend of mine i had made a week before in IlosaariRock festival! She offered me a place to stay and a car ride to the airport, thank you for lovely stay and hosting, maybe well see in Bangkok later this year!

Now when I'm finishing this first piece I'm flying somewhere over India and everybody is asleep. Beside me is sleeping one friendly Norwegian who is studying his masters in Perth, Western Australia. We actually decided that if another will go near the other we will give a ring and maybe take a tour in the country!

Feeling confident!

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